Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Social Media and the Small Restaurant

Okay, let's just say I'm behind on the times.  I've been so busy honing my craft in the kitchen over the past eight years that I just haven't paid due attention to the social media explosion.  In this age, it is important for a small restaurant owner to use social media regularly and effectively.  Websites like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn can be useful tools for business networking and for free, targeted marketing. 

Facebook is where it's at these days, so I recently updated my dormant personal Facebook page and expanded my friends list.  Aside from using it for personal use, I can spread word of my blog and ask poll questions to gauge my restaurant ideas.  
LinkedIn is a useful tool for networking, and it's a site that I am currently learning how to use.  Since I'm opening my first restaurant, I will need a good network of people for advice, tips, and feedback, and LinkedIn will help with that.

Twitter is a good, quick way to spread news fast.  Lots of food bloggers use Twitter, and it's always useful to keep them in the loop, especially in the few weeks before the restaurant opens.  Also, I can have my tweets also post to both LinkedIn and to Facebook, so if I write a new blog post, I can tweet it to all three sites with one post.

A month before Linea opens, I will create a Facebook page for it.  The Linea Facebook page will feed regulars information about upcoming events, promotions, menu changes, and specials.  Using a combination of Linea's Facebook page and @ChefWax, I will upload pictures, videos, and do regular status updates and tweets to keep followers in the loop in a manner that is not monotonous or boring, but entertaining.  Followers = Regulars, and having a good regular customer base and keeping them well informed and excited will be key to Linea's success.  

Hopefully, through blogging and effective use of social media, there will be some buzz about Linea well before the doors are open. 

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